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Financial Wellness Trends / Life Insurance
Life Insurance's Vital Role in Any Economy
December 23, 2024
Estimated Reading Time: 4m
businessman with falling financial graph chart due to global recession.

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Over the last few years, most of the world has experienced some form of economic instability, from slight contractions to full‑blown recession. During these uncertain periods, it’s normal to second guess every expenditure, including: do I really need life insurance now—and if so, why?  
These are great questions! The fact is, life insurance provides unshakeable financial protection in any economy—booming, declining, or anywhere in between—but during volatile economic times, it’s more valuable than ever.  
Let us explain.    

How a Recession Impacts Your Finances  

By definition, a recession is a sustained, widespread decline in economic activity, characterized by the contraction of key economic indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP), employment rates, manufacturing productivity and retail sales. The precise criterion varies by country, but the impact is the same.  
 During a recession, money is harder to come by and keep, because:    
  • Unemployment is higher – When business is slow, employers often lay‑off employees and put a hold on hiring.    
  • Paychecks shrink – Some companies reduce employees’ work hours, so workers earn less take‑home pay. There are few totally recession‑proof jobs.    
  • Credit is scarce – Banks become extra cautious, lending less and raising their standards, so it’s harder to obtain credit. 
  • Interest rates soar – Consumers who have established credit—like credit cards—find it more expensive to use due to rising interest rates.  
  • Inflation rises – The price of goods and services soar, so consumers spend more but get less.    
  • Asset values decline – The value of stock, real estate, and even retirement funds tumble, shrinking savings.  
  • Consumer confidence drops – Consumers limit their spending, prioritizing essentials and reducing discretionary expenses. That can lead them to question the need for life insurance—which, ironically, is more important than ever. 

How Life Insurance Provides Stability  

Through life insurance, you can provide your family with financial security in any economy. Should something happen to you, your policy’s death benefit would enable your family to maintain its standard of living.  
Benefits can cover immediate expenses and bills, while providing for future needs, such as college. From the mortgage to medical bills, families don’t need to worry.  
And while the value of other assets, such as real estate and investments, plummet during recessions, life insurance provides a guaranteed pool of funds that can help preserve the estate's value—making it an essential part of estate planning.  

But Wait, There’s More   

Here’s two more secrets to know about life insurance and its remarkable value during a recession. 

Term Life Insurance is Highly Affordable  

If you want to purchase life insurance during a recession, but need to conserve your budget, term life insurance is a highly‑affordable, accessible option. Simple and dependable, term life insurance remains effective for a pre‑set period (often 10, 20 or 30 years), providing protection when needed.  
And of course, consumers can always purchase additional permanent life insurance once their financial situation improves.  

You Can Take Loans against Permanent Life Policies   

If you have a whole or universal policy in place when a recession hits, you have a built‑in emergency fund. That’s because these policies accumulate cash value—a pool of funds provided in addition to the death benefit.  
That cash value can be withdrawn or used to finance a loan against the policy, providing a safeguard against financial emergencies. While many policyholders earmark their cash value for specific goals (such as tuition or retirement), it’s also a dependable hedge against economic instability  

Key Takeaway   

In good times and bad, life insurance serves as a financial safety net, providing protection and peace of mind. However, during a recession, that economic stability is perhaps more valuable than ever.  
At Pan‑American Life Insurance Group, we offer a range of quality life insurance solutions designed to fit every budget and situation. Our professional advisors can help you identify your best coverage options and prepare no‑obligation quotes for you.  
To learn more about solutions available to you,
To learn more about life insurance,
This article has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide personal or financial advice. You should consult your own financial and tax advisor with respect to your personal situation. Some products may not be available in every jurisdiction where Pan‑American Life is licensed to do business. All products are subject to exclusions and other applicable terms and conditions. 
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