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Life Insurance

Trusted for over 110 years to take care of the important things in life, let us take care of you.

Insurance solutions help to protect your financial stability and safeguard your loved ones.

Life Insurance

Life insurance helps you secure you and your dependents' financial futures. Whether you’re worried about what will happen to your loved ones after you’re gone, or saving so that you can enjoy your retirement to the fullest, we have the solutions to provide you with security and peace of mind.
Whole Life
Term Life
Indexed Universal Life (IUL)

Whole Life

Term Life

Indexed Universal Life (IUL)

In a world of volatility, our whole life product solutions provide our clients with certainty through lifetime guarantees: guaranteed premiums, guaranteed cash values and guaranteed death benefits.

Horizon Value

Horizon ValueTM provides early, fast, guaranteed growth of cash values, plus:
  • Guaranteed Level Premiums—that will never increase for the life of the policy as long as you pay your premiums. 
  • Guaranteed Death Benefits—usually received income tax free by your beneficiaries. 
  • Non‑Forfeiture Benefits—including term or reduced paid‑up insurance, if your plans change. 
  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider (with Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness provisions)—available at no additional premium. This rider makes it possible to accelerate a portion of your policy's death benefit if the insured becomes critically, permanently chronically or terminally ill, providing funds at a time when your family might need it most. 
  • Flexibility of Customizing Your Policy—fit your specific needs by adding optional riders and benefits as recommended by your Mutual Trust insurance Representative.

Horizon Guarantee

Horizon GuaranteeTM provides a guaranteed death benefit at a cost‑effective level premium, plus: 
  • Guaranteed Cash Values and non‑guaranteed dividends that grow tax‑deferred. 
  • Non‑Forfeiture Benefits—including term or reduced paid‑up insurance, if your plans change. 
  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider (with Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness provisions)—available at no additional premium. This rider makes it possible to accelerate a portion of your policy's death benefit if the insured becomes critically, permanently chronically or terminally ill, providing funds at a time when your family might need it most. 
  • Flexibility of Customizing Your Policy—fit your specific needs by adding optional riders and benefits as recommended by your Mutual Trust Representative.

Horizon Legacy

Horizon LegacyTM is a highly competitive, single premium, participating whole life insurance product that can help you increase the amount of money you leave your loved ones while maintaining access and control of it during your lifetime. With just one premium you'll enjoy: 
  • Guaranteed life insurance protection. 
  • Guaranteed, tax‑deferred growth of cash values and non‑guaranteed dividends. 
  • Access to cash throughout your life, to use in any way you choose, through loans and withdrawals of dividends. 
  • An Accelerated Death Benefit Rider with Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness provisions available at no additional premium. This rider makes it possible to accelerate a portion of your policy’s death benefit if the insured becomes chronically or terminally ill, providing funds at a time when your family might need it most. 
  • Guaranteed, income tax‑free death benefit for your loved ones.

MTL Non‑Par Whole Life

MTLTM Non‑Par Whole Life provides a guaranteed death benefit at a cost effective level premium, plus:
  • Guaranteed Cash Values that grow tax deferred.
  • Non Forfeiture Benefits—including term or reduced paid up insurance, if your plans change.
  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider (with Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness provisions)—available at no additional premium. This rider makes it possible to accelerate a portion of your policy's death benefit if the insured becomes critically, permanently chronically or terminally ill, providing funds at a time when your family might need it most.
  • Flexibility of Customizing Your Policy—fit your specific needs by adding optional riders and benefits as recommended by your Mutual Trust Representative. For example, the optional Term Riders increase your death benefit for 10‑ or 20‑ years to provide temporary coverage during a period when you may need additional protection, such as when you have children at home, or you have temporary debt.

Horizon Value

Horizon Guarantee

Horizon Legacy

MTL Non‑Par Whole Life

Horizon ValueTM provides early, fast, guaranteed growth of cash values, plus:
  • Guaranteed Level Premiums—that will never increase for the life of the policy as long as you pay your premiums. 
  • Guaranteed Death Benefits—usually received income tax free by your beneficiaries. 
  • Non‑Forfeiture Benefits—including term or reduced paid‑up insurance, if your plans change. 
  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider (with Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness provisions)—available at no additional premium. This rider makes it possible to accelerate a portion of your policy's death benefit if the insured becomes critically, permanently chronically or terminally ill, providing funds at a time when your family might need it most. 
  • Flexibility of Customizing Your Policy—fit your specific needs by adding optional riders and benefits as recommended by your Mutual Trust insurance Representative.

Beneficiary Support

Empathy: The Next Evolution of Beneficiary Care
Pan‑American Life is proud to offer the services of Empathy, a comprehensive support system for loss, as a complimentary offer to beneficiaries of U.S. policies. Empathy offers customized care by helping families through many of the emotional and practical challenges of losing a loved one, including with potential issues such as planning a funeral, writing an obituary, or settling their financial affairs.

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