Group Business Covid-19 Q&A


Policy Coverage

  1. Will Life claims related to Covid-19 be covered under my group plan with Pan-American Life?

    Once your group plan with Pan-American Life has a Life coverage component and you are an active insured as at the date of death, you will be covered.  
  1. Will Medical claims related to Covid-19 be covered under my group plan with Pan-American Life?

    Medical claims will be covered in accordance with the terms and conditions of your policy benefit schedule and contract with Pan-American Life. We encourage our brokers and plan administrators to refer to the specific terms and conditions outlined in the policy contract.


  1. What guidelines have Pan-American Life put in place to ensure continuity of medical claim reimbursements?

    PALIG has implemented measures to ensure minimal disruption to service continuity during this period as summarized below:
  • Extension of time-barred claims from 90 days to 180 days from date of service effective April 1, 2020 until June 30, 2020
  • The acceptance of scanned claim pdfs (refer to Covid-19 communication for further details)
  • Payment of claims directly to the insured's bank account, once relevant ACH information is provided
  1. Should the situation worsen, would Pan-American Life review the deadline of 60 days for original claim forms to be submitted after submission of scanned claims?

    Pan-American Life will continue to monitor the unfolding situation, review guidelines and make amendments where necessary. Any changes or extensions will be formally communicated to our brokers and clients.
  1. Will Pan-American Life accept scanned claim documents that are not co-signed or stamped by the plan administrator?

    Pan-American Life will accept once the scanned claim is sent from the plan administrator's or broker's email address and a completed transmittal is attached to the email.
  1. Will photos of medical claims and all supporting documents be accepted by Pan-American Life for processing in lieu of scanned pdfs?

    At this time, photos cannot be accepted. Pan-American Life will accept scanned pdfs of claims for processing. Note that there are applications that facilitate scanning documents from your mobile device.
  1. Will Pan-American Life accept claim forms with electronic signatures?

    For electronic signatures to be accepted, certain protocols must be in place to verify the authenticity of the signature and that it was affixed by the owner. Thus, if the plan administrator affixes an e-signature and forwards the claim then this is acceptable as Pan-American Life is able to validate that his/her e-signature and sender are one and the same.
  1. How can an insured sign up for claim reimbursements to be deposited directly to their bank account?

    The Pan-American Life ACH fillable pdf form should be completed and signed by the insured and subsequently verified by the plan administrator or an authorized company representative. Alternatively, please reach out to your Client Relations representative for direction on providing ACH information for more than 10 insureds.
  1. Who should I contact if I have a query on a claim?

    Our query guidelines remain in effect and claim queries should be submitted to or escalated to your Client Relations representative.


  1. Will Pan-American Life continue to provide pre-authorization liability letters and case management services?

    Yes, provided that all medical supports and breakdown of expenses are submitted and the plan is in good premium standing, liability letters will be provided. Submission of the pre-authorization request should be sent to


  1. What is Pan-American Life’s position for premium payments that are delayed as a result of Covid-19?

    Pan-American Life has provided banking details to all clients and brokers to facilitate the remittance of premiums via direct deposit. Should premium payments be delayed, the usual process applies whereby claims will be pended. We encourage you to reach out to your Sales Representative for further guidance.


  1. Will Pan-American Life accept scanned copies of enrolment forms or census changes?

    Yes, our usual process is that census changes or completed enrolment forms can be submitted via email to
  1. Who should I contact if I have any administration queries?

    Our query guidelines remain in effect and queries should be submitted to or escalated to your Client Relations representative.


  1. Will there be any impact on plan renewals?

    No, your sales representative will contact you with renewal terms once your plan is up for renewal.
  1. Who can I reach out to should I have any urgent queries or concerns?
    Your Client Relations representatives remain available to you and can be contacted via the email below:

    Tommy Ramjattan -
    Kristi-Marie Weston -


  1. Can pension premium deductions be paid to Pan-American Life electronically?
    Yes, premiums may be paid via wire transfer. Please contact the Manager, Pension and Annuities via the email below to discuss options available to you:
  1. Will payment of monthly pensions be affected should the Covid-19 situation worsen?

    Pan-American Life has taken steps to ensure payments remain unaffected and will be paying pensions directly to the pensioner’s bank account to ensure no interruption in receipt of funds. Additionally, Pan-American Life is encouraging all pensioners who are not currently on this platform to submit the relevant banking information.
  1. Are termination benefits still being processed for former members of my Company?Yes, benefits continue to be processed, assuming all contributions are fully paid up to the person's termination date.
  1. My Annual Life Certificate is due June 30, 2020. Is Pan-American Life extending the timeframe for submission?
    Yes, Pan-American Life has extended the deadline to August 30, 2020 for you to submit your Life Certificate. We will advise if any further extensions are granted as we continue to monitor the effects of Covid-19.
  1. Who can I reach out to should I have any urgent queries or concerns?
    You may contact the Pan-American Life Group Pensions team via the email below:

The information provided in this Q&A is current as of April 17, 2020.