Coronavirus General Questions

Pan-American Life’s COVID-19 Response

What is Pan-American Life doing concerning the COVID-19 outbreak?

We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and the latest guidance from the leading public health authorities such the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the local health authorities in all of our markets. Our top priority is the safety, health and well-being of our employees and their families, customers, business partners and the extended community.

Does Pan-American Life health plans cover COVID-19?

Pan-American Life Insurance Group offers health insurance in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Healthcare coverage across the Americas varies by country and policy.

Antigua & Barbuda
Cayman Islands
Costa Rica
El Salvador
Puerto Rico
St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Maarten
St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
United States

General Questions

What is COVID-19?

The CDC and WHO are actively monitoring the outbreak of a new coronavirus strain called COVID-19, which causes respiratory illness.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Common signs of COVID-19 infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. People with heart and lung disease or weakened immune systems, as well as infants and older adults, are at higher risk for lower respiratory tract illness.

How is COVID-19 spread?

Human coronaviruses are usually spread from an infected person to others through the air by coughing and sneezing and through close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands.

What is the official name for the disease caused by the new coronavirus?

The World Health Organization announced the official name for the disease caused by the new coronavirus on February 11, 2020. The new name is COVID-19, short for “coronavirus disease 2019.”

Where can I find more information?

You can find more information about COVID-19 and related advisories at these links:

How to Protect Yourself:

How can you protect yourself and others from COVID-19?

Although there are currently no vaccines available to protect against human coronavirus infection, you may be able to reduce your risk of infection by washing your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, and avoid close contact with people who have been exposed or have tested positive for COVID-19.

For information about hand washing, see the CDC’s Clean Hands Save Lives website.

Who should be tested for COVID-19?

The CDC recommends that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, returning from a CDC-designated “Level 2” or “Level 3” advisory area, or who has been in contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed of having the coronavirus within the last 14 days, should be tested.

If I need to be tested for COVID-19 what do I do?

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing, and need to be tested for COVID-19, contact your local Ministry of Health.

Caribbean Ministries of Health by country and their respective contact telephone number