Becoming an Agent/Broker

Why Partner with PALIG?

Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Cayman Islands and Pan-American International Insurance Corporation, members of Pan-American Life Insurance Group, are among the strongest and most financially sound companies in the regional insurance industry. As an agent in our network, you will have our commitment to customer service, best-in-class insurance solutions and disciplined risk management standing strong behind every promise you make to your clients.

Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Cayman Islands

If you would like to join our network of agents and brokers in the Cayman Islands, please click the link below.



Producer testimonials reflect the individual experience and opinion of the producer. Each producer may have a different experience based on particular circumstances, markets, and products. 

This communication does not constitute client advice or recommendations for financial planning on behalf of Pan-American Life. Producers must consider each client's individual facts and circumstances prior to making financial recommendations.