Becoming an Agent/Broker


Joining the PALIG Family

Becoming an insurance agent means joining a business that helps others, protects others and changes lives for the better. You deliver a promise and create meaningful connections to those you meet along the way.

When you partner with PALIG you partner with a company that anticipates and manages risks, creates an opportunity to maximize long term success, has stellar ratings and has been in business for more than 110 years, a company with competitive compensation and enticing incentive, a company with commitment to service excellence and continuous education.

And, most importantly, a partner you can trust for life.


Why Partner with PALIG?


Our Values


To be consistent to our basic principles in thought, word and deed


To have open dialogue and clear communication across all levels of the organization 


To take responsibility for our actions


To collaborate towards a common goal


To be honest and exercise principled judgment


Producer testimonials reflect the individual experience and opinion of the producer.  Each producer may have a different experience based on particular circumstances, markets, and products. 

This communication does not constitute client advice or recommendations for financial planning on behalf of Pan-American Life. Producers must consider each client's individual facts and circumstances prior to making financial recommendations.